Friday 27 September 2013

Flowers, Fungi and (F)Photos ...LOTS!!!!

I recently had changes to my jaw medication, and had a bad reaction - hence no blogging!
I was a bit concerned that our flowers were dying back in the garden, at the end of last month. I took a walk along the road verge in front of the bay, to see what I could find. These are the photos. There are a lot, but go and get a cup of tea and enjoy!



Hope you enjoyed the show.
Till next time

Monday 16 September 2013

Giveaway Results

I'll bet you thought I had forgotten about the Giveaway. Actually we have had a really busy week/weekend, and my feet are only now touching the floor. 

I had great fun with this Giveaway, and I would like to thank Fons & Porter for asking me to do this on Daily Craft TV. I would also like to thank SewCalGal for allowing me to advertise the giveaway on her blog, the two ladies who helped me when I ran into trouble with posting, the participants of the giveaway and, finally, my husband who selected the winner from the pile of names in the bowl!! He was really excited, as he likes to read my blog, and he listens when I tell him what my friends are up to all over the world. He knows some of the ladies by name, and even looks at some of the pictures on their blog, when I stick my laptop under his nose. He wouldn't even let me read the winning ticket, until he had read it himself!!

So.... to the moment of truth..... Who won???????


LYNN from Nebraska Views

She has a great website, which I visit frequently, so well done, Lynn. Sorry the rest of you could not win, but maybe next time.
Till next time