Thursday, 18 March 2010

New Book

Just a very quick blog tonight. I have been busy binding a quilt today, but will not get it finished, as I am going out tonight.

I bought this book just before I went off island. I read Terrie Sandelin's blog (here), and I do love mini quilts, so that is why I bought the book. I have to finish the quilt I am working on and a baby quilt, and then I am going to get my nose stuck into this book!
Thankful Thoughts
My sister started chemo yesterday and seems to be coping really well. Thank You.


  1. Good thoughts and prayers for your sister.

  2. Hope your sister tolerates the chemo and that it can do it's worst on the cancer left in her body! As you know I love miniatures too even though I have not worked on one for a while. Just using some of my stash on the scrap quilts lately but will be back to working on them someday.

  3. I'll keep your sister in my thoughts. Can't wait to see what you make from the book!
