Showing posts with label Dad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dad. Show all posts

Monday, 4 July 2011

Videos and Apology

I thought you would like to see one of our sheep and the ram being shorn by one of our friends. Ian is in great demand to shear the sheep on the island. We were given these sheep last year as 'caddy lambs'. A caddy lamb is a lamb that has been rejected by its mother, or the sheep has had a multiple birth and cannot cope with all the mouths to feed. We (or should I say my husband) hand reared the lambs. The ram was supposed to have been 'done', but he grew into an imposing beast and fathered twin lambs this year! One of the twins was rejected, so we started hand feeding again, and got some more caddy lambs for company.

I am sorry I have been off Blogger for so long. My patchwork friend Pat died recently. I have known Pat for more than thirty five years. She was like a second Mum to me and was a great support when my own lovely Mum died. She was great fun, a fantastic sewer,  a font of knowledge and I loved her dearly. She will be sadly missed.

My father-in-law also died two weeks ago. He was suffering with Alzheimer's, and came to live with us before it was properly diagnosed. Unfortunately he did not like living in Orkney, as he had lived in Glasgow for sixty years, and missed the hustle and bustle of city life (if we get two cars in a row, it is a traffic jam!) Dad was an extremely intelligent man, who helped and cared for people throughout his life. He will be sadly missed as well.

Sorry this has been a sad post, but things are definitely more cheerful now. We have new lambs, ducklings and goslings, I have been out in the studio and the sun is shining. What more can you ask for?
Till next time.

Friday, 12 March 2010

I'm Back!!

We went down to stay with my daughter, last week, and I was not organised enough to have posts ready to be published when I was away. My husband had just come back from a magic convention in Blackpool, so everything had to be washed etc., and then we were off. We wanted to give the grandchildren their Christmas presents, as we could not get off the island together, earlier. The person who looks after our animals, when we are off island, was involved with the murder trial, so we had to wait until that was over. I also wanted to go to the above exhibition in the Scottish Exhibition Conference Centre (SECC) in Glasgow. It started at 9.30am. My friend, whom I haven't seen for nearly three years, was coming down by bus from Kirriemuir. We met up at 11.45, but by that time I had bought few (cough, cough!) things. We had a great day!! It was so nice to see her again - she is such a nice person!! (I am on the left of the picture.)

I bought lots of material, and odd bits for doing various crafts.

During our stay near Edinburgh, we went to Ikea and various other shops. When we do go off the island, we find that we romp round loads of shops, trying to get things, which are not generally available where we live. This does not make for a relaxing holiday. We also went to see my husband's Dad, who has dementia. He was having a really good day, and he recognised us both. We took him out for a meal and then afternoon tea, and he thoroughly enjoyed himself.It was so nice to see him smiling and laughing.
Thankful Thoughts
It was a nice change to get off the island, have a couple of meals out and shop till we dropped, but there is no place like home. I looked at the tide going out of the bay, this morning, with the waders (birds) looking for food, and the sun glinting on the water and felt myself relax. Our washing is done, the baking is cooling down, so I am away to wash my material and play with the rest of my goodies.
Happy Mother's Day on Sunday!