Thursday 8 July 2010

New Baby Girl!!

This is our new granddaughter, (no name yet), born yesterday, 7th July, at 7.45am. She was 8lb 3oz. Isn't she gorgeous (says proud Granny!)? The picture in the middle shows her sister, Holly, and her other Grandfather, who lives nearby. Happy birthday!
Till next time.

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Henhouse and Goodies

We decided we needed some more hens. We have a very posh henhouse for the older hens, but , of course, the old hens and the new hens cannot be mixed, so we had to get a new house. My husband decided he was going to build one, and then got a phone call from the supplier that the hens were going to be delivered in two days. Mr D did a fantastic job. On top is a picture of the henhouse without the nesting boxes attached. Notice the droppings board on the right hand side under the perches. I suggested that it might be a good idea to put in a waterproof membrane on the floor, to make it easier to clean. There is only a 14" space between the dropping board and the floor. Guess who was flat on her face pinning the sheet to the walls!!

But doesn't it look good?

This end has the pop hole, and those boxes containing the hens have just been delivered.

The hens inspecting their new home ...

and the perches.

I thought I would try the Dear Jane block G6. I quite like miniatures, but I did not do well today ...

The seams don't meet, and to add insult to injury, I put the the triangles round the wrong way! Anyway it is good practice.

I would like to thank Marie for this pretty piece of Civil War material, which the postie brought.

Thank you so much. It was really kind of you. I look forward to using it in the quilt.
Till next time.

Friday 2 July 2010

Dear Jane Blocks

I was so tired last night, I managed to delete the pictures of the packages I received Yesterday. I decided to start again today. I did, however, manage to sew some blocks. I sewed M9 and M10 of the Dear Jane blocks on the machine. Elly had made an alternative tutorial for making M9 on her blog and Aunt Reen kindly sent me a list of blocks which do not require the book, as shown on That Quilt blog. You've guessed it. I still did not have the book or the rulers. (as of yesterday!)
Today was a different. The Dear Jane book and rulers came at last!! Oh, did I drool! I can at long last pick any pattern I want to sew.
I tried to work out where I would put selected colours, but I think that is going to be difficult. Anyway, I started on the centre block and decided to do it by machine.

As I said above, I deleted the photos of the packets, but I put all the material together, to show you the continuing kindness of patchworkers far and wide. The material on the right is from ladies in Australia! Every time I wash the material, iron it, or cut it to make a Dear Jane block, it reminds me just how fortunate I am to have such wonderful friends. Just look at this gorgeous card I received.

This is an actual mini quilt. The patches are less than 1cm, and sewn together. Gorgeous!!
Thank you so much Rosa (fourth time!!) Anita, Freda , Lynn, Carol, Hope and Trisha. Boy am I lucky.
Till next time.

Thursday 1 July 2010

Dining Out

I wrote yesterday about the Lunch Club, we have on the island. There are about forty members, who are over fifty years old. We meet fortnightly, in the community room in the school. There we are served a two course meal and then we either get a speaker or play games like scrabble, or cards. The club also serves another purpose. A lot of the older residents do not go out a lot, but here they can meet friends,have a good meal and a good natter (gossip).

I did not get my book, (sigh), but I got two boxes and five packets in the post. Jeni, the lady who sent me goodies yesterday, wrote about me on one of the Australian newsgroups, so the two boxes were from people who read that post. There was some really cute Australian material and the other box held felt material and a huge amount of really wonderful craft goodies. And stamps!! I also got my first siggie block sent to me. Oh my! Something else to get involved in. There are definitely not enough hours in the day! Thanks go to Froma, Coral, RV, Carol B, Carol C, Edna and Mary Alice.
Till next time.

Wednesday 30 June 2010

Little Happy Dance!!

Would you look at this !! My first Dear Jane block. I still have not got my book from America, but dear Rosa told me to cut out three squares, and I made my first siggie block. I have never made or seen siggie blocks either (haven't I led a sheltered life?), so I think life is going to get really busy in the future! I know it is a really simple block, but I feel as if I have made something really difficult. Daft, isn't it?
I have got really organised. I have my folder ready to hold all my finished blocks, and Rosa suggested I write a journal, not only about DJ, but also what is happening, whilst I am doing this. I am going to put in the little address labels from the packets I have been receiving, some of the nice letters, photos and cards. In future years I will be able to read it, and think of all the lovely people who have made this possible. I have had so many nice letters and cards of encouragement. Rosa has also got us organised with our Dear Jane Pages, so if you click on the button at the side, you will see my progress. There is not a lot to see so far. Hurry up book!!
You will notice I have not been putting 'Thankful Thoughts' on the blog. I am so thankful I met Rosa on the Net. I now have Elly, just a few miles away by (two) ferries. I also have three other ladies, Cyn, Frummie and Elaine who are part of the group. And then there are all the ladies who read Rosa's post about me. I have had parcels from all over the world, and they are still arriving. Look what the postie brought (our usual postie is so tired he is on holiday this week!!)

Just look at those lovely stamps, even before the packets are opened. During the long, dark winter evenings, my husband and I often get the stamp albums out. We are going to be really busy this winter with stamps from all over.

The experiences of the last few weeks have been made up of a lot of 'firsts'. First time of seeing Civil War material, first siggie block, first time of having overwhelming kindness from ladies I do not know. And now I have my first Australian magazine. Jeni saw Rosa's post and sent me the magazine and also some material from Australia. I would also like to thank Beth for the pretty material and card.
The weather here is lovely. As the school is closed for the holidays, we had our meal for the Lunch Club at the local hotel. It was really tasty, and I was stuffed! I spent some time in the garden tackling the nettles and dokens, working it off.
We are supposed to get rain tomorrow, so I took advantage of the good weather.
Till next time.

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Yipee!! Baby quilt and Goodies!

I got the baby quilt finished a couple of days ago and only have to put on the label, when the wee one arrives. I added a plain border, so decided to add both yellow and blue bindings to jazz the edge up a bit (see below!) I had not even taken the tacking out, when I took these pictures. Quilting is in the ditch.
I found this cute cheater material in the attic. Goodness knows how old it is, but it went together very quickly, and I found some equally old material for the binding in the same box.

Just look at the goodies I got today. I try to be very careful to keep the addresses private, so that is why some of the packets are at a funny angle.

People are so kind. Look at the trouble one lady went to parcel this up . It was so pretty.

And just look at the chunks, chunkettes, sixteenths, eighths, and quarters! They are gorgeous!! One lady sent me the most wonderful poem, which she had written herself, and the material underneath is printed with ten blocks on what you do when making a quilt, all the way from Australia!! I would like to thank Joyce, Sibyl, Lynda, Judith, Rita, Cindy, Sandy and Jeannie. I am running out of words to express my gratitude. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Till next time.

Friday 25 June 2010

Treats Galore

Edit - I was supposed to post this last night, but did not get it completed. As I am going out tonight, I will post this now.
The last few days seem to have been busy, busy ,busy. I have managed to get the baby quilt finished, the mat done and I have completed a few bibs and burp mats, but the cardigan is still languishing in the bag, without a collar, buttonhole bands and unsewn. What is it about knitting?

We had our monthly meeting of the Women's Institute last night. We have a new coffee house and bistro on the island, so we had the meeting there. The owner has a wonderful flair for interior design and the place was beautiful, with our table having a clear view of North Ronaldsay. The competitions this month were a buttonhole of fresh garden flowers and a Sanday sea view. For some reason my printer decided to play up. I had three photos I wanted to check, but I only got the above photo of our bay before sunrise printed, before the printer decided it wasn't playing anymore. I was in such a rush out the door, I forgot to photograph the nosegay, but I came third in both categories. The flowers were absolutely beautiful, and
I would have been hard pressed to pick a winner. The food was extremely good, with homemade soup, sandwiches and home baking. I went home stuffed - but it was GREAT!!

My Civil War fabric goodies are continuing. There are so many nice people out there.These are the ones that the postie brought, and I would like to thank Judy, Ava and Katie for their thoughtfulness. I would especially like to thank Katy, as she is nine years old, has been on the DJ forum for almost three years and she sews with her Grandma. The material she sent me was from her own stash. Isn't she wonderful?!! Thank you so much again.
Full of thankful thoughts.

Wednesday 23 June 2010


My husband came in this morning with a HUGE grin on his face, and look what I got. Five packets and a box!! What did I do to deserve this? I must have been really good in another life!! And do you see what was in the mail?

Oh, the material is so beautiful, just exactly what I like, and I got more photos of the people who are being so kind, home made cards and little notes. I would like to thank Mardeele (for two packets!), Mary, Rosa (number two!), Brigitte and Susan (for loads of goodies!)
I am running out of words to express what this means to me. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Till next time.

Tuesday 22 June 2010


'What is this? What is she up to now?', I can hear you asking. I just can't believe it (IJCBI)!! Let me explain. I love blog hopping, and I also can't resist a Giveaway. I am usually not very lucky, but recently my luck has turned and I have won two Giveaways (see recent posts). When I saw a Giveaway at Rosa's World for 'chunks' of Civil War material, I was really intrigued. I have read about the Civil War reproduction fabric, but I have never actually seen any in real life. I entered the Giveaway, did not win, but Rosa contacted me and asked if I would like a bit, as I had never seen any. I was absolutely delighted! As well as doing this Rosa got me in touch with a delightful lady called Elly, who lives in the north of Scotland. She filled me in on all the patchy things, which were going on in the area. This was great, because I had been struggling to find any people who were as fanatical as I was about patchwork, and who lived relatively near. I was tickled pink. Then I got three parcels with Civil War material in them at the weekend. But what I couldn't understand was how these people had got my address? The next day I got some more, and to date I have had eleven letters/parcels with CW material, notes, letters and pictures!! I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!
The wonderful Rosa put my name on one of the newsgroups of which she is a member, and told them I had no CW material. When I got Elly's letter, I told Rosa and Elly that I was thinking of using the material for a doll's quilt. I think they must have burst out laughing! Rosa suggested I might want to think about a Dear Jane quilt. Last year I looked at the DJ quilt online and thought that anybody tackling 225, four and a half inch blocks must be mad. I must be mad, or Rosa must be very persuasive, because I have ordered the book, and Rosa is going to do a SECOND DJ quilt along with me.
I just can't believe that people have been so kind. Imagine! I have had letters from all over the world. The kindness has been overwhelming, and I am so touched. I would like to say a HUGE 'thank you' to Rosa, who has been the initial instigator, and has emailed me at least once every day with lots of info. I would also like to thank the following people for letters/parcels with CW material, notes, letters and pictures and especially all the good wishes - Elly, Diane, Caroline, Wenche, Beverly, Martha, PJ (no full name), Sandy, Mary and Dee. I can't thank you enough! I am having such fun looking at where the the letters come from, and even more fun patting the material, plus the bonus of stamps for my stamp collection! I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!
Till next time.
From a very humble and thankful tich

Friday 18 June 2010

Welsh Quilt Winner!!

I have read the Welsh Quilter's blog for a long time. Andrea's work is beautiful, and her blog is a delight to read. She is so calm, and she never seems to get frazzled. When her daughter, Jess went on a college trip to Africa, I was really interested, because I have been involved for a number of years with the Mercy Ships, and our local school had just come back from a trip to Malawi. Andrea had a Giveaway to celebrate three years of blogging - and guess what? I WON!!!!

I got this lovely 3D card from Andrea. And do you notice what is beside it?

She had recently bought a book on Welsh quilts, and decided to buy an extra one for her Giveaway. It is gorgeous. Do you see the quilt on the lower right corner...?

Well Andrea decided to make the quilt top and add that to the Giveaway. It is absolutely beautiful, and the stitching is perfect!! The book has the history of Welsh quilts, and is full of pictures of old quilts -

The one on the right is early 20th century - doesn't it look right up to date?

It gives you yardage, shows you how to make the quilt and even gives you tips to help you on your way.

It gives you suggestions on how you can quilt your top, to make it look like an authentic Welsh quilt.

And if you want to design your own patterns, there are loads of ideas and how tos at the back of the book, to get you started. I have already changed my mind twice on how I am going to quilt my top.This is a fantastic book, and I am overwhelmed by Andrea's generosity. Thank you so much , and I love the idea that there will be two of these quilt tops, because Andrea is going to make one as well.
Till next time.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Thank You!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who have contacted me, both privately and through this blog, to commiserate over the death of my sister. I have been overwhelmed by your good wishes.

My sister was a wonderful person, who was a gifted artist and calligrapher. She will be sadly missed.

I will be back in a few days.

Thursday 3 June 2010

My Sister

I am taking a short blogging break. My sister died yesterday. She was dearly loved and will be sadly missed.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

AccuQuilt Giveaway!!

Just a quick note to let you know that there is another opportunity to win an AccuQuilt Go cutting machine. Go quickly to to see how you can enter this wonderful Giveaway, and also see what Barb has done with her machine. It is fantastic!! I want one!! I forgot to say, if you do enter, tell Barb where you got the info (from tich) and I will get another entry.
Till next time.

Friday 28 May 2010

Mini Quilt Swap

This is my interpretation for the Mini Quilt Swap hosted by Michele at Quilting Gallery We had to embroider a central panel, designed by Lenna Green from Stitching Cow I blogged about it here and my granddaughters even embroidered part of the design for their teddy bear blankets. (See below)

I decided I was going to get some historical reproduction material, so I bought some Jane Austen material called Winchester. I made prairie points round the central design and then added a border. I used Hobbs 80/20 batting, but I found it quite difficult to hand quilt, as it did not needle well. I was really pleased with the way it looked before washing, but not so pleased after. I sent it off last week, but have delayed posting about it, so that it gets a chance to arrive at its destination. I also sent a little thank you to Anita for the lovely mini quilt she sent me. (We have different swap partners, so the person from whom we receive a quilt, gets a quilt from an entirely different person.)

Thankful Thoughts
We have a Folk concert and dance tonight, with all sorts of musicians and traditional dancing. It is going to be FUN!!
Till next time (after a few days to recover!)

Saturday 22 May 2010

Teddy's Basket

Sorry about the quality of these pictures. The light was not good! My sister is still not very well, so I decided to send her a little gift to cheer her up. These little baskets are so easy to make. Someone showed me how to make them over twenty years ago, and you can rattle one up in an evening! I have no idea where the original pattern came from, but I have tweaked it over the years. I did not make the teddy, but when i saw him in Kirkwall, I just had to buy him.
The basket is made of two circles of material and a circle of wadding. The centre of the circle is sewn with free motion quilting and the sections sewn in. The sections are then wadded lightly and the edge of the circles are joined, using a large zigzag. The basket is then formed by threading a strong cord through the zigzag stitches and tied in a knot. Lace is added and then a binding to cover the raw edges. Add a handle and it is ready to be filled with all sorts of goodies. Really easy and quick.

Thankful Thoughts
I don't have to say anything, do I?